Email Campaign




ECS sells packaging solutions, but more than that, it sells capabilities. ECS is the only case manufacturer that engineers container systems around equipment. The problem was because the competitors were more focused on the commercial market, only a select few knew what ECS was truly capable of. This monthly newsletter was not only designed for brand awareness but also for lead nurturing and in some cases lead generation and engagement. 

The company's Salesforce had nearly 30,000 leads and opportunities. The purpose was to drip information each month to these folks and other leads generated from tradeshows, customer visits, and cold calls. Each "pod" was segment-specific. The marketing team had determined and defined personas. In this case, program managers, buyers/procurement, engineers, and military personnel. We could almost always accurately predict which persona would click on what pod. The pods helped with SEO and optimization as I linked them back to the website. On occasion, I created infographics that further demonstrated a specific process. 

After the emails were sent, I would analyze opens and clicks. Often, we would have several potential customers click/open a page several times and I would create reports and send them to sales managers. This would lead to micro-campaigns. The sales and manufacturing reps often used the newsletters as sales tools.